Happy First Contact Day to all our fellow Trekkies, throughout the day we will be bringing all the latest news and developments including the upcoming First Contact Day panels later this evening. Here, we have some latest releases from developers Tilting point, Star Trek Online and IDW Comics.
NOTE: We will be updating this article as the day progresses with any other deals and swag that comes to our attention so keep checking back.
First up we have news from Titling Point Games the publishers behind Star Trek mobiles game Star Trek: Timelines, and the recently released Star Trek: Legends, a review of which can be found here.
Celebrating First Contact Day, Star Trek: Timelines will be running a time-limited giveaway that will start today and run through till April 19th. Players will be able to claim a free 5 Star Behold Pack which will guarantee them one 5 star crew member from which they can choose between Phoenix Cochrane, Satin Dress Lily Sloane and C.O.P Founder Picard.
But that’s not all.
Between 1st April and 15th, players can also claim an April Fools Whale Crew. By completing an in-game achievement that is time-limited, you can earn a three-star crew that will consist of George and Gracie, the Humpback Whales Kirk and crew fought to save in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
There are also $1 monthly game cards available for new players, The cards have a $4 value attached to them and offer Star Trek: Timelines players 100 daily Dilithium for 30 days.
You can download Star Trek: Timelines now from the iOS App Store or the Google Play for Android store, where it is a free to play title containing in-app purchases

Over at Arc Games HQ, the people behind Star Trek: Online, are also offering up some extra goodies to celebrate First Contact Day.
From now until April 22nd players on both PC and Console can participate in a three-day celebratory event.
Captains will travel to the events of the First Contact Day film with Seven of Nine (voiced by Jeri Ryan) to stop the Borg, participate in a recreation of the Synth attack on Mars (from Star Trek: Picard), or travel to the First Contact Museum and complete a replica of the Phoenix, mankind’s first warp-capable ship. Completing these events will unlock the Grand Prize – the Martian Mining Laser.
Manufacturing Dissent – For the first time, Synth Wave joins the First Contact Day event! The Synths working on Mars have rebelled! Fight in orbit above the red planet, working with a team of fellow Captains to do as much good as possible before you are overrun in the Synth Wave TFO. The fate of Utopia Planitia hung in the balance, perhaps your insight will help us tip the scales if we are tested again someday.

Visit Historical Bozeman – The Borg continue their implacable advance, only this time the battlefield is across time, not space. Temporal abnormalities have prompted Daniels to slap together an away team to go back to mid-21st century Earth where The Borg have altered the timeline to ensure that they succeed in their previously-foiled plan to stop First Contact between Earth and Vulcan. Team up with Seven-of-Nine and discover what The Borg have done to alter the timeline, and then do everything you can to correct it. Just make sure not to do more damage to the timelines than The Borg already have.

Modelling Rocketry – Alternatively, if battling robot-zombies isn’t your cup of Earl Grey, you can participate in the good ‘ole Phoenix Rocket Launch competition. We hope you enjoy the friendly rivalry as you scramble to gather parts and assemble the best rocket under the watchful eye of enormous marble Dr. Cochrane himself.

Completing either of these participating activities once per day, per account, will earn you a First Contact Day Badge Box. Opening this box will grant players the opportunity to choose between 17 Comm Badges as account-wide unlocks. Once unlocked, these immediately become accessible from any Tailor for any Federation character on your entire account.
Daily Progress is also earned once per day, per account, for the first completion of either participating activity. Keep earning Progress to earn your way toward the completion of the First Contact Day Event. Upon reaching 14 days of Progress, you will become eligible to claim the Grand Prize! This includes the following items:
- Martian Mining Laser (ground weapon)
- Keep reading for more details on this reward!
- First Contact Day Bundle – contains all of the following:
- 1x Captain Specialization Point (cannot reclaim)
- 25,000 Dilithium Ore (cannot reclaim)
- “Launch Toy Rocket” Social Device (Account Unlock)
- Holo-Emitter – Phoenix Shuttle (Account Unlock)
For more details and the rewards and to sign up / download Star Trek Online visit https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online

If you are looking for some First Contact Day merchandise then Startrek.com has you covered as they have compiled together a list of essential merchandise for all fans to help celebrate this day.
https://intl.startrek.com/news/the-ultimate-product-guide-for-first-contact-day-2021 Products include the Hero Collector Phoenix replica as well the Vulcan Surveyer ship that is seen landing in Star Trek: First Contact.
A sweet collection of First Contact Day clothing line is also available and can be found here https://startrekshop.co.uk/?utm_source=st-shop&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=st-international from which you can also get personalised gifts.
Finally, we have the Star Trek: First Contact one shot comic released by IDW and is available now.

In honor of First Contact Day, IDW is thrilled to present a special digital edition of STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, the official comic tie-in to the beloved movie. When the Borg attempt to alter the history of the universe by traveling back in time to stop Earth’s first encounter with alien life, it’s up to Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to stop them… if they aren’t assimilated first! Adapted by writer John Vornholt and artists Rod Whigham and Terry Pallot from the story written by Rick Berman, Brannon Braga & Roland D. Moore.
Star Trek: First Contact is available as an E-Comic and can be purchased here for $1.99 https://www.comixology.com/Star-Trek-First-Contact/digital-comic/927248?r=1
For today only, Star Trek FanSets is offering up to 20% of all products across their site and across all licenses. Great opportunity to grab a bargain. Visit https://www.fansets.com/ for more details.

Also, from Trek Central:
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