Tom McAuley

Tom McAuley

An enthusiastic geek with a passion for science fiction, Tom loves Star Trek in all its forms (especially The Next Generation). He enjoys spending time with his family, writing, gaming (which he streams on Twitch) and karate - or is it Mok'bara?

The latest

Trek Back to Star Trek Voyager’s ‘Caretaker’

Thirty years ago, with the birth of Star Trek: Voyager, we entered a new golden age for our beloved franchise. But this new show wasn’t just taking us on another trek across the stars. It...

Trek Back to Star Trek: DS9’s ‘Past Tense’

It’s fair to say that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) wasn’t received as well as the creators would have liked. After watching much-loved characters explore the final frontier, many found DS9’s stories, set in...

Trek Back to Star Trek: Generations

Transitioning a television series to the big screen is no picnic. Yes, big movies bring bigger budgets, but more pressure to deliver the goods comes with that. Unlike a television show with many episodes to...

Star Trek: Lower Decks – Rutherford’s Journey to Season Five

It’s not long before the premiere of Star Trek: Lower Decks season five, and my excitement is palpable! The last seven days have been spent celebrating the lower and upper deckers of the Cerritos. Today,...

Star Trek: Lower Decks – Bridge Crew’s Journey to Season Five

Traditionally, Star Trek shows follow a format focusing on the bridge crew; Lower Decks changed this. The fundamental shift has allowed for brand-new perspectives and a fresh new show with a structure that fans love....

Star Trek: Lower Decks – Other Deckers’ Journey to Season Five

As the countdown to season five continues, so does our celebration of Star Trek: Lower Decks! We’ve had Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome), Friends & Foes, and Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) with much more to come....


REVIEW: Star Trek Adventures 2E Technical Manual

I must admit that I was surprised to get a message earlier this month inviting me to review a new Star Trek Adventures Technical...

Anson Mount Talks Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2

Star Trek is going big in 2023! While we're saying goodbye to Star Trek: Picard, we're waiting for more adventures in Star Trek: Strange...

Have We Reached Peak Trek?

2023 was going to be the biggest year yet for Star Trek. All five current shows had originally been expected to premiere new seasons....

INTERVIEW: Star Trek: Prodigy Writer Chad Quandt

Star Trek Prodigy writer Chad Quandt has taken some time away from the Writers room (@TrekProdigyRoom) to discuss his episode Ghosts in the Machine...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Defiant #15

The penultimate part of the 'Hell is only a Word' arc amps up the tension in Star Trek: Defiant #15. In the last issue,...