Nicole Fendley

Nicole Fendley

The latest

Star Trek: Picard’s Gates McFadden

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 has concluded. However, the third and final season saw the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew return one last time. Alongside Sir Patrick Stewart was Gates McFadden returning as Doctor...


Review: Mr Spocks Little Book of Mindfulness

Star Treks favourite Vulcan takes us on a light-hearted tour of Vulcan wisdom in order to bring calm to a universe gone mad with...

The Brave New World: The United Federation of Planets in the 32nd Century

We take a deeper look at the state of the United Federation of Planets as the USS Discovery and her crew settle into their...

Book Review: Star Trek Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium

From Hero Collector and author Glenn Dakin comes 'Star Trek: Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium'. Work in Starfleet is hard. Yes, there are fancy First...

Discovery Season 3 Reviewed: Die Trying

We're back with our review for episode five of Star Trek: Discovery 'Die Trying' in which the Discovery finally makes it back to the...

How To Watch Star Trek Lower Decks Season 2!

How To Watch Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2!