Mal Pool

Mal Pool

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Religion in Star Trek

Religion in Star Trek is equal parts inspiring and ambiguous. But first, "Religion" itself is a fairly loaded term for many people. Here this word and "faith" are a stand-in for organized belief systems that...

Star Trek’s Rituals of Togetherness and Change

With Halloween passing, Thanksgiving in the US, the Solstice, and other Winter Holidays approaching, "Tis the season to be jolly". And, sometimes, to change. It's also the perfect time to explore Star Trek's 'Rituals of...

Prisoners and Justice in Star Trek

It's International Amnesty Day. Amnesty is another word for "forgiveness" a central theme of the Star Trek universe. Often amnesty is associated with political prisoners. And probably many reading this will think of the plot...

The Feminist Struggle in Star Trek

In 1910, at a socialist conference in Denmark, Clara Zetkin (German feminist), established International Women's Day (IWD) with others. She modelled it after International Labour Day. Clara stated that the feminist struggle was not just...

Exploring Queer Love in Star Trek

Much hubbub has been made about the newness of queer representations in Star Trek: Discovery. The show boasts Dr Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Jet Reno (Tig Notaro). Also, Human-Trill-Symbiont Adira...


Star Trek Should Take A Gamble And Leave Khan In The Past

Ask a Star Trek fan what their favourite film from the franchise is, and you can probably predict the answer. Star Trek: First Contact...

REVIEW: Star Trek DS9 ‘The Dog of War’ #2

In a year full of anniversaries, the 30th anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is among the most important. To commemorate the occasion,...

Klingons & Breen In Star Trek: Discovery Season 5?

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 is just around the corner. In fact, at the time of writing, it's less than one week away. The...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Discovery Finale ‘Life, Itself’

It's the end of the road for Paramount's flagship Trek series. Star Trek: Discovery finale "Life, Itself" brings the series to an action-packed and...

Star Trek: Lower Decks – Tendi’s Journey to Season Five

Our favorite Orion has had quite the journey, from renegade pirate to science officer. D’Vana Tendi (Noël Wells) is first introduced as an optimistic,...