James Osborne

James Osborne

The latest

Star Trek Should Take A Gamble And Leave Khan In The Past

Ask a Star Trek fan what their favourite film from the franchise is, and you can probably predict the answer. Star Trek: First Contact is certainly the most beloved of the TNG-era films. Many newer...

Star Trek Needs A New Villain, And The Answer Is Right Under Its Nose!

Introduced in “Q Who?” at the backend of the 1980s, the Borg quickly established themselves not just as one of Star Trek’s most threatening villains, but as one of the most distinctive and instantly recognizable...


SECTION 31: Inside Star Trek’s Secret Service

It has been nearly 9 years since a Star Trek film has graced the silver screen. The upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie event...

Everything We Know About STRANGE NEW WORLDS

It's time to delve into the all the new details we have on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

REVIEW – Star Trek: Defiant Annual 2024

Following the events of the Day of Blood crossover series, Sela left the crew of the USS Theseus and set course back to Romulus....

REVIEW – Star Trek: Prodigy Season One Blu-ray

The story of Star Trek: Prodigy so far is one that will be familiar to many Star Trek fans, and for once, I'm not...

TRIBUTE – Star Trek’s Patti Yasutake

Patti Yasutake, best known for her role as Nurse Alyssa Ogawa in Star Trek: The Next Generation (ST: TNG), passed away on Monday 5th...