Resident "Comic Book Master", Jacob typically oversees the review side of things when it comes to the latest comic book stories and adventures from the Trek universe.
IDW’s Star Trek #20 delivers a mind-bending new issue, with Captain Benjamin Sisko leading a refit of the Theseus. This is all to give the ship the ability to breach the galactic barrier and enter...
Star Trek #19 kicks off the start of a brand new arc titled “Pleroma.” A quick Google of this word defines it as “the totality of divine powers.” This lines up with the themes of...
IDW’s flagship Trek series returns with Star Trek Issue #14 - a full-on action and world-building installment. When we last left the crew of the USS Theseus, they were tasked with investigating the Tzenkethi (say...
The Day of Blood concludes epically in Star Trek Issue #12. The plot threads established over a year ago when this series first premiered have finally come to a head. When Benjamin Sisko returned in...
IDW’s Star Trek Issue #9 offers up an action-packed and decisive installment. While there is not as much time for character development this time around, it is still a pretty exciting read. But less dialogue...
The hugely popular Star Trek: Online PC expansion pack ‘House Shattered’ is now available for Playstation and Xbox players.
Long running popular MMO Star Trek:...