Trek Central

Trek Central

A creative at heart, when not seeking ways to insert “Faith of The Heart” into anything, Jack leads Trek Central’s operations in developing the brand and ensuring quality content is always delivered.

The latest

Fanhome Opens Star Trek Starship Collection Subscriptions & Single Orders!

EXCLUSIVE: Trek Central can report that Fanhome is set to reactivate the Star Trek Starship Collection Subscriptions. Additionally, single orders for select individual starships that have been previously released will also be available for the...

Release Date for Star Trek: Section 31 Revealed at NYCC 2024

New York Comic Con once again brings us Star Trek Universe news! The cast and crew of Star Trek: Section 31 have beamed down, and we have news about the film. Finally, the release date...

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Update at NYCC

The New York Comic Con Star Trek panel promised surprises, and surprises we got! We expect some Academy Updates, but this was a big one! The series has not even finished filming, never mind aired...

NEW CLIP for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3!

Straight from New York Comic Con 2024, we have a brand new look at Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3! Fans were left on a cliffhanger, ending with the second season finale. This upcoming...

Star Trek: Section 31 & Lower Decks Beams To NYCC 2024!

It's that time of year once again! New York Comic Con is almost upon us. As Star Trek fans, we look forward to this major event, which typically brings us trailers, reveals, and more surprises...

BREAKING – Holly Hunter Joins Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Series

In surprising news, Academy Award-winning actress Holly Hunter has joined the Star Trek Universe! Paramount+ announced the casting today, alongside more reboot film news. Hunter is the first cast member to be announced for the...


Where We Left Off With Star Trek: Picard’s La Sirena Crew

We are mere weeks away from the second season premiere of Star Trek: Picard. If it feels like it’s been a while since we...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Lower Decks “In the Cradle of Vexilon”

Another week, another episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks. The season's now in full swing, and we're on episode three. This week's episode is...

Mission to Mars: Real space explorers inspired by Star Trek

Star Trek’s most enduring connection to its audience is its ability to inspire. And when it comes to science fiction, there are few, if...

REVIEW: Star Trek Issue #6

Star Trek Issue #6 has just been released by IDW. Concluding the second arc of their Star Trek crossover saga was always going to...

BREAKING: Lower Decks Renewed and Prodigy Release Date!

The Animated scene of the Star Trek Universe has finally had an update, with news about its two shows; Star Trek: Lower Decks and...