Star Trek Franchise

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available for pre-order. You can now beam over to the Nacelle website and check out the...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 release date. While Paramount+ are taking its time to...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star Trek Figures line, revealed its next Star Trek merchandise project: The Star Trek Starship Library. This exciting collection combines...

Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #3 Review

Star Trek: Picard Stargazer comes to a close with its third and final issue. It’s full of action, adventure, and conclusions to this three-issue...

Star Trek #1 Siko’s Return Review

In 2375, Benjamin Sisko joined the Bajoran Prophets in the wormhole and has not been seen since. And now, thanks to IDW Publishing's Star...

Star Trek: Prodigy The Story So Far

It's been a long road since the USS Protostar last graced our screens with "A Moral Star, Part 2" seven months ago. Or as...

Star Trek: Lower Decks: Issue #2 Review

Continuing on from the last issue, Star Trek Lower Decks: Issue 2 has a Dracula issue aboard the USS Cerritos. Additionally, our senior...

Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Blu-Ray & DVD Release Giveaway!

Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Blu-Ray & DVD Releases have beamed down. Sir Patrick Stewart's adventures as Admiral Jean-Luc Picard can now be on...

Don't miss

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star...

Star Trek Writer-Producer Roberto Orci Dies Aged 51

Trek Central is sad to share that Star Trek...

Fanhome Opens Star Trek Starship Collection Subscriptions & Single Orders!

EXCLUSIVE: Trek Central can report that Fanhome is set...