Star Trek Franchise

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available for pre-order. You can now beam over to the Nacelle website and check out the...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 release date. While Paramount+ are taking its time to...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star Trek Figures line, revealed its next Star Trek merchandise project: The Star Trek Starship Library. This exciting collection combines...

SNEAK PEEK – Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Ep 6 “The Bounty”

After last week's midpoint episode, we're back with Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Ep 6! The third and final season of Star Trek: Picard...

The Battle of Wolf 359: A Story of Three Captains

It is much easier to talk about the differences between Star Trek’s prominently featured captains than their similarities. One of the hallmarks of Star...

REVIEW: Star Trek: Picard “Imposters”

We’re halfway through Star Trek: Picard Season 3! The fifth episode of the third season is titled “Imposters” and deals with the consequences of...

Star Trek: Picard – ‘No Win Scenario’ Easter Eggs

We just got to watch the fourth episode of the (thusfar fantastic) final season of Star Trek: Picard, this week entitled “No Win Scenario”....

The Measure of a Trek – Taking a look at Star Trek Discovery

Recently the news that Star Trek: Discovery was flying into it's fifth and unexpectedly final season broke. After weeks of speculation around Paramount's finances...

Don't miss

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star...

Star Trek Writer-Producer Roberto Orci Dies Aged 51

Trek Central is sad to share that Star Trek...

Fanhome Opens Star Trek Starship Collection Subscriptions & Single Orders!

EXCLUSIVE: Trek Central can report that Fanhome is set...