David Milburn

David Milburn

Illustrator and writer, David Had plans for world domination at the age of 17 then discovered recliner sofas and then became too comfy for all that nonsense. Powered by his love of all things Star Trek.

The latest

Section 31 Update, “New Shows” in Development, & Plans for New Trek Each Quarter.

Variety recently spoke with Alex Kurtzman and paramount+ Programming Chief Julie McNamara who gave updates on Section 31 and the franchise strategy that will see a new series a quarter. A new article from Variety which...

Hero Collector Starships Collection May Preview.

The Starship collection from Hero Collector continues to build and we have our monthly preview of the latest releases coming from the Star Trek: Online and Star Trek: Picard lines. First up we have the...

Book Review: Star Trek Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium

From Hero Collector and author Glenn Dakin comes 'Star Trek: Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium'. Work in Starfleet is hard. Yes, there are fancy First contacts, but there are Second contacts too. The starships are crewed...

IDW Star Trek Comics May Previews.

A new set of previews for upcoming IDW Publishing releases including Star Trek Year Five and the complete set of ‘Seven's Reckoning’.   Coming soon from IDW will see the first two parts of a three-part...

Star Trek: Picard Special Effects Make-Up Team Receive MUAHS Award Nominations

The Emmy award-winning team behind the special effects make-up on Star Trek: Picard are once again heading towards another award with their recent nomination from the Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild (MUAHS) Awards. The 8th...

Star Trek: Year Five #19 Reviewed

Year Five #19 continues right where we left off in issue 18 with Sulu and Chekov coming face to face with the shapeshifting Isis, companion of Gary Seven.   Issue 18 of Star Trek: Year Five...


Book Review: Star Trek Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium

From Hero Collector and author Glenn Dakin comes 'Star Trek: Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium'. Work in Starfleet is hard. Yes, there are fancy First...

UPDATED: Kobayashi Maru Web Game – Do you Believe in the No Win Scenario?

From Scopely Games comes the Kobayashi Maru Web Game and Contest, the ultimate test for Star Trek fans, can you beat the no-win scenario? ‘With...

REVIEW: Strange New Worlds: “Among the Lotus Eaters

A Return to one of the very first planets in Star Trek is on the cards this week! But how was episode 4 of...

Celebrating Star Trek at Nickel City Comic Con

This past weekend, the Nickel City Comic Con delighted sci-fi, wrestling, comic, superhero, and classic television fans in Buffalo, NY. Many celebrities joined the party, including...

Is A Section 31 Star Trek Movie In The Works?

The idea of a Star Trek: Section 31 series has always been a bit hit or miss with Trekkies. Sure, seeing more of Michelle...