A new Star Trek book ‘Wonderlands’ set in the future seen in Discovery season three is coming soon from publishers Simon and Schuster and is written by Una McCormack.
Una McCormack is well know within the Star Trek community having already penned a number of books from across the franchise, including recent entries of Star Trek: Picard – The Last Best Hope, Star Trek; Discovery – The Way to the Stars and the Autobiography of Captain Kathryn Janeway.
Now it seems we will be getting another entry from the prolific author set in the 32nd century seen in Star Trek: Discovery’s third season. Star Trek: Discovery Wonderlands and will focus on Michael Burnhams year between arriving in the future, to when she meets up with her Discovery crew mates.
‘In a desperate attempt to prevent the artificial intelligence known as Control from seizing crucial information that could destroy all sentient life, Commander Michael Burnham donned the “Red Angel” time-travel suit and guided the USS Discovery into the future and out of harm’s way. But something has gone terribly wrong, and Burnham has somehow arrived in a place far different from anything she could have imagined—more than nine hundred years out of her time, with Discovery nowhere to be found, and where the mysterious and cataclysmic event known as “the Burn” has utterly decimated Starfleet and, with it, the United Federation of Planets. How then can she possibly exist day-to-day in this strange place? What worlds are out there waiting to be discovered? Do any remnants of Starfleet and the Federation possibly endure? With more questions than answers, Burnham must nevertheless forge new friendships and new alliances if she hopes to survive this future long enough for the Discovery crew to find her….’
With no cover art available as of yet for ‘Wonderlands’, we will keep you updated with all the latest news including when we can expect to see the book on the shelves, for the time being we have an expected release of May 2021.

About the Author
Una McCormack is the author of eight previous Star Trek novels: The Lotus Flower (part of The Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine trilogy), Hollow Men, The Never-Ending Sacrifice, Brinkmanship, The Missing, the New York Times bestseller The Fall: The Crimson Shadow, Enigma Tales, The Way to the Stars, and the acclaimed USA TODAY bestseller Picard: The Last Best Hope. She is also the author of five Doctor Who novels from BBC Books: The King’s Dragon, The Way Through the Woods, Royal Blood, Molten Heart, and All Flesh is Grass. She has written numerous short stories and audio dramas. She lives with her family in Cambridge, England. She is also the author of four Doctor Who novels from BBC Books: The King’s Dragon, The Way Through the Woods, Royal Blood, and Molten Heart. She has written numerous short stories and audio dramas. She lives with her family in Cambridge, England.
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