Trek Central

Star Trek: Section 31 Review (SPOILERS)

This Star Trek: Section 31 Review Contains SPOILERS! - Please click HERE to read Trek Central's Spoiler-Free review. Okay, Trekkies, we have Section 31...

SECTION 31: Inside Star Trek’s Secret Service

It has been nearly 9 years since a Star Trek film has graced the silver screen. The upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie event...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Lower Decks Series Finale

It's the end of the road for Star Trek: Lower Decks. Not only is the show about to end, but all of reality's about...

Nacelle CEO Brian Volk-Weiss Talks Star Trek Figures

New Star Trek merchandise is always exciting news. So when we got the word that The Nacelle Company would be making a new Star...

Star Trek Black Friday Deals 2024

We're back for another round of Star Trek Black Friday Deals in 2024! While we all dream of living in a Star Trek future...

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 7 REVIEW

The final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks continues with the seventh episode, "Fully Dilated". In Lower Decks Season 5 Episode 7, Mariner (Tawny...

Gates McFadden Talks Podcasting, Crusher Reunion Wish, & More Star Trek

More Star Trek? Well, like all of us, Gates McFadden is up for it! Trek Central had the pleasure of speaking with the legendary...

Star Trek Klingon Keyboard & Mouse Gaming Peripherals

We all remember the Star Trek: Picard Borg Cube PC case! The company behind that assimilating design, CherryTree, has expanded its Trek offerings to feature a...

Don't miss

Star Trek: Section 31 Review (SPOILERS)

This Star Trek: Section 31 Review Contains SPOILERS! -...

Spoiler Free Star Trek: Section 31 Review

Michelle Yeoh is back in Star Trek's first direct-to-streaming...

SECTION 31: Inside Star Trek’s Secret Service

It has been nearly 9 years since a Star...

Trek Back to Star Trek Voyager’s ‘Caretaker’

Thirty years ago, with the birth of Star Trek:...

Star Trek Super Fan: Alexander Barnes

While celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek: Deep...