It’s the end of the line for Pike and the Enterprise in Strange New Worlds – The Scorpius Run Issue #5 which is out today from IDW Publishing. This is the final issue in The Scorpius Run miniseries, and it’s got quite a lot of ground to cover. Before this wraps up, the crew needs to reunite properly with Spock, defeat Zephyx, and hopefully restore peace to the region.
That sounds like quite a bit for 20 pages of comic book, but the series has been an absolutely wild ride over the past few months. Hopefully, the series is able to end on a high note. Find out in this review Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Scorpius Run Issue #5, the latest Captain Pike adventure!
WARNING – Some spoiler discussion below.

Last we left off with the crew of the USS Enterprise, they were in a bit of a tough spot. Whole chunks of the ship had fallen off, drifting around in space. It was a really threatening moment, and spending the first page taking in the destruction was a great choice. Hearing Pike and the crew scrambling around, figuring out which systems were still operational, that was a lot of fun.
There’s a sudden transition to the ship’s interior, where red alerts and sparks flying everywhere creates a very different, if equally destructive, colour palette. It’s also nice to see that even in comic form, La’an still doesn’t take any crap from anyone. With such a big ensemble cast, it’s hard to make sure that they all get their moment. Unfortunately, outside of Pike, Spock, and Number One, just about everyone else is relegated to the background.
To the surprise of nobody, Spock had worn down the Uvex, coming to the rescue of the Enterprise. It continues from his speech in the last issue about logic and empathy, perfectly encapsulating everything that Star Trek is about. What did surprise me about the rescue was the small spotlight on Pelia. Perhaps it was the use of emphasis, or her fluid dialogue with Pike, but she was captured perfectly. She’s a lovely engineer, who we hopefully get to see more from.
End of the Line

This final issue needs to do more than just repair the Enterprise, though. United, the Uvix, and the Enterprise take the fight to the warlord Zephyx himself. It’s an epic showdown, and all the allies the Enterprise crew have made are here. The race split up everyone and kept them against one another. Combined, however, they have more than enough power to overthrow their oppressors.
The actual battle’s brilliant. Ships familiar and new, firing beams in every conceivable color. It’s a feast for the eyes, and you really feel the impact of every scream and explosion. After so long, it’s satisfying to see Zephyx in a bit of trouble. Although, the remote control of Zephyx’s forces, which really turns the tide, is a concept that came out of nowhere. There’s an awful lot of convenience, but ultimately everyone’s where they need to be.
No planets are destroyed, but watching the overconfident, godlike Zephyx see his empire crumble around him was amazing. He keeps making demands and throwing orders out until he’s totally alone and powerless. We assume that he was captured, but this really wasn’t the point of the story. The whole Scorpius region is freed, and they mention their interest in creating their own Federation. Zephyx was a cool villain, but this is the story of the people taking control, rather than detailing his reign of terror.
The Scorpius Run Issue #5 Preview


The Scorpius Run Issue #5 was a mostly satisfying if incredibly fast-paced finale. The art continued on at its usual high, with every explosion and bit of phaser fire flying straight off the page. While I was walking away satisfied, the ending relied on a lot of reveals of development that had occurred between scenes. Still, the race is over, and the Enterprise has potentially seen the birth of a new interplanetary federation.
The messaging throughout was totally on point. All the observations on service, loyalty, and logic were very resonant with how Strange New Worlds approaches the Star Trek ethos more broadly. I had a lot of fun with the world-building of this Scorpius region over the series, probably more than the action. Some great work in the series overall, but it could have used another issue or two, to better delve into the worlds of this region of space we’ll probably never see again.
You can pick up your copy of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Scorpius Run Issue #5 out today from IDW Publishing. It’s available to order both physically and digitally from Amazon, as well as from IDW’s website. You can also find it on the shelves of your local comic book store. For Star Trek news, reviews, lore discussions, and more, be sure to follow the team here at Trek Central!
Issue Credits

Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Group Editor: Heather Antos
Editorial Assistant: Vanessa Real
Design & Production: Neil Uyetake
Story Consultants: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer

NEW SERIES: ‘Sons of Star Trek’ – From the mighty pen of acclaimed Cyborg writer Morgan Hampton comes a new four-part miniseries spinning out of IDW’s Eisner-nominated Star Trek series and fan-favorite Star Trek: Defiant series!
Issue #1: In the aftermath of Kahless’ harrowing Day of Blood, Jake Sisko struggles to find his place in the universe now that his family has been reunited and his father, Benjamin Sisko, has once again saved the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Alexander Rozhenko is recovering mentally and emotionally from his time as one of Kahless’ devout followers. Although his father, Worf, was able to break him away from the Red Path cult, Alexander is haunted by his actions during the bloody coup and is unsure of his ability to atone for the devastation he caused.
Jake and Alexander find their stories intertwined as they’re thrust into an alternate universe where they follow their father’s footsteps into Starfleet stardom. As officers aboard the U.S.S. Avery, Jake, and Alexander encounter alternate versions of other children of Starfleet legends who show them they all may have a bit more in common than it would seem.
Release date: March 13, 2024
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