Star Trek Franchise

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available for pre-order. You can now beam over to the Nacelle website and check out the...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 release date. While Paramount+ are taking its time to...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star Trek Figures line, revealed its next Star Trek merchandise project: The Star Trek Starship Library. This exciting collection combines...

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Blu-Ray Review

Earlier this year, Star Trek: Picard warped back onto our screens for a triumphant, nostalgic, and cathartic final season. Today, at long last (US...

Review: The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko

The (in this fan's opinion) long overdue Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko is finally due to release on the 21st of November. Written by Derek...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Picard’s Academy #2

The school days of one of our favorite Starfleet captains continue in this week's Star Trek: Picard's Academy #2. Where we last left off...

REVIEW – Star Trek: Defiant #9

The adventures of Worf and the crew of the USS Defiant continue this month in Star Trek: Defiant #9 out now from IDW Publishing!...

Has the original USS Enterprise filming model been found?

The original USS Enterprise filming model used in Star Trek's first pilot episode 'The Cage' has been missing for decades. It was believed lost...

Don't miss

NEW Star Trek Action Figures Available for Pre-Order!

Finally, Nacelle Toy's Star Trek Action Figures are available...

Filming Starts for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 4

Let's be honest; we're all waiting for the Star...

NEW Star Trek Starship Library Model Collection Announced!

Today, Master Replicas, which recently announced a new Modern-Era Star...

Star Trek Writer-Producer Roberto Orci Dies Aged 51

Trek Central is sad to share that Star Trek...

Fanhome Opens Star Trek Starship Collection Subscriptions & Single Orders!

EXCLUSIVE: Trek Central can report that Fanhome is set...