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USS Farragut Arrives In Star Trek Starships Collection – Review

One of my most anticipated ships from Fanhome's Star Trek Starships Collection has beamed down. This is the USS Farragut from Star Trek: Strange...

Star Trek: Section 31 Review (SPOILERS)

This Star Trek: Section 31 Review Contains SPOILERS! - Please click HERE to read Trek Central's Spoiler-Free review. Okay, Trekkies, we have Section 31...

Spoiler Free Star Trek: Section 31 Review

Michelle Yeoh is back in Star Trek's first direct-to-streaming movie event. Star Trek: Section 31 sees Yeoh reprise her role of Philippa Georgiou, first...

videos 🎥


Thomas Marrone Talks Star Trek Online Starship Design – Interview

Star Trek Online's 15th Anniversary Celebrations are in full swing! Trek Central's Captain Jack beamed down to talk with Art Director Thomas Marrone about...

Star Trek Online Developer Cryptic Studios Suffers Staff Layoffs

The games industry is having a super-rough time right now, which is a light way of putting it. Sadly, Star Trek Online Developer Cryptic...

Star Trek Online Introduces Classic Starships In New Bundle!

It's a great day for Star Trek Starship fans! In a new update, Star Trek Online Introduces Classic Starships via their new in-game bundle....